Sujet :

The Sankey Sanders Sessions (2 DVDs)

   Posté le 10-05-2004 à 14:17:18   

Ça s'en vient, je les ais commandé, bientôt une critique constructive, mais n'attendez pas cette critique, jetez-vous ÇA VA ÊTRE BON C'EST CERTAIN!!!
   Posté le 10-05-2004 à 15:02:51   

Vendredi, je dinais avec Sanders et Acer et Sanders m'a fait un cliss de bon tour, je ne sais pas si le tour est dessus mais si oui, garochez vous dessus...
   Posté le 10-05-2004 à 15:26:10   

Ah oui Michel, si t'a le nom du tour, ne le dis pas!!! hahahahah Tour de carte??? C'est quoi un peu l'effet, pour qu'on soit capable de le reconnaitre un peu à l'oeil nu!!! ahahha
   Posté le 10-05-2004 à 19:44:08   

Terra Unifirma: A cardboard "hole" becomes real! Too cool! (Sankey/Sanders)
Hardcore Packet: A packet trick on steroids (Sanders)
Litmus Paper: Step-by-step printing of a card! (Sanders/Sankey)
On Impulse: Jay's "Spectator finds the Aces" routine (Sankey)
Midas Touch: Splitting coins never looked so good! (Sanders)
Imposters: Random cards transform into the signed card! (Sankey)
Impossible Stop Trick: Right out of Richard Sander's professional repertoire! (Sanders)
Shuffle By Choice: A self-working "in their hands" miracle! (Sanders)
Power Lunch: Jay's favorite routine with business cards (Sankey)
Mix Master: We don't want to ruin the surprise! (Sankey)
Moving Day: A small tear travels the length of a bill! (Sanders/Sankey)
Run Time: 1 hour and 14 minutes

Repeat Offender: The selection appears stapled inside a matchbook! (Sanders)
Bleed Through: A message melts through a borrowed bill! (Sankey)
Up & Over Aces Richard's ingenious four Ace production! (Sanders)
Proximity: Two cards find each other in the dark! (Sankey)
Defective: A "cardboard malfunction" is overcome! (Sanders)
Switch Places Aces: The classic routine from "When Creators Collide!" (Sankey/Sanders)
Seeing Read: A deadly serious, psychic "book test." (Sankey/Sanders)
Consolidated Cash: Don't blink or you'll miss the miracle! (Sanders)
Ground Zero: A card appears in the spectator's own hand! (Sankey)
Belly of the Beast: The new "heavy transpo" on the block! (Sankey)